
Melolin Sterile Compres 5 x 5cm 66030260

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  • PZN / EAN
    BE00185686 / 5000223429966
  • Darreichung
  • Hersteller
    Smith & Nephew NV/SA

Produktdetails & Pflichtangaben

Weitere Produktinformationen
MELOLIN is a strongly absorbant non-adherent compress to manage and treat little to medium exuding wounds.
Non-adherent micro-perforated woundcontactlayer
This layers provides a quick draining of exudate, resulting in less frequent need to change the compress.
Protects the granulate-tissue
Minimal pain during removal of the compress
Absorbant woundcushion
The wound cushion absorbs exudate and protects against impacts
Hydrofobic layer
Protects against the loss of exudate and prevents stains in clothing, increasing the duration of wearability of the compress
Easy to cut in preferred size
MELOLIN is easy to customize in size and maintains its shape well
Safe to use
MELOLIN is inert and lessens the possibility of hypersensitivity

MELOLIN exists of 3 layers:
- Non-adherent micro-perforated wound contact layer
- Absorbing layer of cotton-polyester
- Hydrofobic layer made of polyester


MELOLIN is a strongly absorbant non-adherent compress to manage and treat little to medium exuding wounds such as:
Clean and stiched wounds
Cut & burn wounds
Small burn wounds

471 Kundenbewertungen zu Melolin Sterile Compres 5 x 5cm 66030260

4.9von 5 Sternen
  • 418
  • 44
  • 5
  • 1
  • 3

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  • von einem Kunden am 18.12.2013

    Sehr gutes Produkt. Eine nicht haftende absorbierende Oberfläche. Sehr praktische Entnahmebox die nach vollkommener Entleerung den Kreislauf zur Wiederverwertung schliesst.

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